
Infertility test at A.I.D.C: The best genetic laboratory in Hooghly. Most of the couples after marriage face the problem of…Continue readingInfertility

Birth Defects

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Amenorrhea test

Amenorrhea test: The things you must know

The Amenorrhea test is a pelvic test which detects problems in the reproductive organs. If you are a couple who are planning for a child, you must get the Amenorrhea test done!

However, this test is not only for couples. Even if some person has any problem in their reproductive organs, they must get this test. For example, if a woman has periods problem, then she must go through this test!

Amenorrhea can indicate numerous complex hormonal abnormalities in the body of the patient. If proper treatment isn’t performed on time, it can even affect the health of the patient severely.

So, it is always great to get this test done. We at A.I.D.C have the best facilities for Amennorrhea test. We use modern facilities and have both male and female medical practitioner who will conduct these tests. Moreover, our medical tests are quite cost-friendly. So, if your doctor has suggested you to get an amenorrhea test, visit A.I.D.C, the best genetic laboratory in Hooghly.