
Infertility test at A.I.D.C: The best genetic laboratory in Hooghly. Most of the couples after marriage face the problem of…Continue readingInfertility

Birth Defects

Birth Defect tests: Prior tests can help you decide the future For any expectant mother and father, the curiosity of…Continue readingBirth Defects

Chromosomal Disorder

Chromosomal Disorder: Tests and Treatment

Chromosomal abnormalities or disorders are common birth defects. It occurs when there is an extra chromosome or a section or an important chromosome is missing! When such disorders happen, it can lead to Turner Syndrome, Down Syndrome and more.

They can also affect the baby’s body parts such as the brain. It happens in an earlier stage of the fertilization process in the womb. However, during tests, one can detect earlier if there is any such deformity in the baby’s body or organs or not.

It helps in starting earlier treatment. However, it is up to the decision of the parents to decide the future. In our pathology lab at Hooghly, we conduct such tests with modern equipment. We have some of the best genetic specialist doctors with us who counsel and treat the patients. Moreover, the tests are conducted by expert lab technicians, should you don’t have to worry about anything. Be assured that all our results will be accurate!