
Infertility test at A.I.D.C: The best genetic laboratory in Hooghly. Most of the couples after marriage face the problem of…Continue readingInfertility

Birth Defects

Birth Defect tests: Prior tests can help you decide the future For any expectant mother and father, the curiosity of…Continue readingBirth Defects

Culture & Sensitivity

Culture and Sensitivity test is performed by getting samples from the infected areas of the body. We will test the sample to analyse the right antibiotic that can be used in the treatment of the infection. Samples are generally taken from urine, wound pus, spit and more.

Urine C/S   ————————————–        100.00

Stool  C/S   ————————————–       150.00

Throat Swab C/S   —————————–       150.00

Pus  C/S    —————————————-      150.00

Semen  C/S   ————————————       300.00

Conjunctival Swab  C/S   ———————       150.00

Blood  C/S   ————————————–      400.00

AFB   C/S    —————————————      300.00