
Infertility test at A.I.D.C: The best genetic laboratory in Hooghly. Most of the couples after marriage face the problem of…Continue readingInfertility

Birth Defects

Birth Defect tests: Prior tests can help you decide the future For any expectant mother and father, the curiosity of…Continue readingBirth Defects


In the Haematology tests, the analysis of blood cells, platelet, HB and more is done. This helps the doctor in determining any disease in the patient’s body just by looking at the results.

Absolute Eosinophil Count   ——————       30.00

Hb%  ————————————————      20.00

Total Leucocyte Count [TC]  ——————-     20.00

Different Leucocyte Count  [DC]  ————      20.00

Hb%, TC, DC    ————————————      30.00

Hb%, TC, DC, ESR  ——————————-       40.00

Hb%, ESR    —————————————-      30.00

RBC Morphology   ——————————-      50.00

Target Cell   —————————————      50.00

Abnormal Cell ————————————      50.00

Normoblast  Cell   ——————————-      50.00

BT, CT,   ——————————————–      30.00

PCV      ———————————————-     50.00

Prothrombin time  +  INR  values    ———-   250.00

APTT    ———————————————     300.00

Platelete count  ———————————-      40.00

RBC  Total Count    ——————————       30.00

Complete Blood Count    ———————–   100.00

Coomb Test   ————————————–   100.00

G-6PD Test    ————————————–   200.00

Total RBC Count  ———————————     50.00

Complete Haemogram   ————————   150.00

Reticulocite Count   —————————–      60.00