
Infertility test at A.I.D.C: The best genetic laboratory in Hooghly. Most of the couples after marriage face the problem of…Continue readingInfertility

Birth Defects

Birth Defect tests: Prior tests can help you decide the future For any expectant mother and father, the curiosity of…Continue readingBirth Defects

Microbiology & Immunology

Microbiological and Immunological tests involve an antigen to identify any antibodies in the presence of a pathogen, antigen and more in the specimen provided by the patient.

Malaria parasite [Slide/Density]  ———    30/50.00

Malaria Antigen [PV/PF]   —————-@       250.00

Microfilaria   ————————————         50.00

Aldehyde  Test  ——————————-           50.00

Widal Test  [Tube/Slide] ——————-     80/60.00

VDRL    ——————————————           40.00

Mantoux Test   ——————————–          50.00

A.F.B  Stain   ————————————         50.00

K.L.B  Stain   ————————————          70.00

Gram stain  ————————————-          70.00

Indole Test   ————————————          70.00

Khan Test  ————————————–          80.00

HBsAg [ Australian Antigen]  —————       100.00

HCV [Hepa-C   antigen]   ——————–        400.00

R.A Factor   ————————————-.         70.00

C.R.P    ——————————————-        100.00

ASO  Titer  ————————————–        150.00

SLE Antigen  ————————————       400.00

HIV-1/HIV-2  ———————————–@    150.00

HIV-1 + HIV-2  ———————————        300.00

Anti ds DNA  ———————————–        400.00

Anti Nuclear Factor  [ANF]  —————-         300.00

Dengue IgG/IgM   —————————–@   200.00

Dengue Ns1   ———————————–       500.00